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We are thrilled to welcome Rabbi Amy Levin to Beth Israel Center. She will share her insights and expertise on building strong Jewish communities.

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for:

  • Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday, December 9. Schmooze 5:00-5:30. Services begin at 5:45; Rabbi Levin will speak during services about military service in Israel, as a parent of children who serve and friend and relative of many others.

  • Shabbat dinner ($18 per person, reservations required)

  • Shabbat morning services on December 10, featuring Rabbi Levin’s d’var Torah about the realities, accomplishments, and challenges of Masorti/Conservative Jewish life in Israel. Discussions will follow, over Shabbat kiddush lunch.

  • N’tivon (for teens) on Shabbat afternoon, December 10 — Rabbi Levin will guide students to draw on sources and their own reasoning to posit a compelling response to a halachic question. This engaging program includes seudah sh'lishit (light dinner) and concludes with Havdallah.

  • 7:30pm Saturday evening — Havdallah and dessert, during which Rabbi Levin will lead us in an experiential session on the nature and dynamics of community, at Arbco, hosted by Jen Hadley. This community-building event aligns with our new Strategic Plan and will help all of us to better understand the opportunities and challenges of strengthening our kahal. Location information will be provided when you RSVP to or on the same form as the Shabbat dinner registration.

Rabbi Amy Levin has served in a variety of rabbinic roles in the United States and in Israel. She lives in Israel and serves as President of the Rabbinical Assembly there. Her consulting firm, Tzibur Strategies, supports Jewish organizations and rabbis through challenging transitions and strategic processes. Rabbi Levin curated the Daily Elul Meditations appreciated by many of our members, as Founder and Director of Pirka Mobile Jewish Learning. We are so excited that she will spend the second Shabbat in December with us at Beth Israel Center.

Earlier Event: December 3
New Member Welcome Event
Later Event: December 17